For a brief period, this capacity was supported by Australian Government (AusAID) funding to the University of New South Wales HRH Knowledge Hub at the School of Public Health and Community Medicine. HRDA was formed to fill the void in high quality HRH thinking in the Asia Pacific Region following the closure of the HRH Knowledge Hub.
The principals and many of the HRDA Associates have worked together as staff of, consultants for, or advisors to the HRH Knowledge Hub.HRDA draws upon a wealth of HRH experience and expertise, forged in the Western Pacific Region and in the domestic Australian market.
The foundation shareholders include Dr Graham Roberts who was previously the Deputy Director of the HRH Knowledge Hub, Head of Department of Public Health at Fiji School of Medicine and Director of Research, and who has led several Australian development assistance projects in the region. The foundation shareholders also include Lee Ridoutt, who formed and has operated a strategic HRH research company in Australia for over 30 years providing critical advice to national, state and local governments and their service providers. More information about that company, Human Capital Alliance, can be found at: