What we can deliver
HRDA’s directors and associates have wide-ranging expertise in Human Resources for Health (HRH) policy research, planning, development and management across a broad range of countries within Asia Pacific. HRDA provides HRH services in:
Country level strategic workforce planning
- Creating HR information systems
- Workforce projections
- Establishing data collection processes
- Advising on workforce planning methodology
- Researching health workforces to solve workforce problems and inform policy development
Specific products
- Training needs assessments
- Targeted training programmes
- Designing competency based on the job training solutions
- Curriculum development
- Continuing professional development
- Program implementation (formative and summative) evaluation.
Developing the capacity of health workforce
- Study tours and professional visits to Australia on HRH
- Leadership and Management training course
- Learning activities in conjunction with a leading Australian university
- Workforce engagement surveys
- Organisational development/change management
- Research project management with university affiliations and ethics processes.
All of HRDAs services are underpinned by expert project management systems.